A New Monday

It’s time for another weekend round up! It’s been a busy one, and we all survived!

IMG_20180908_083959.jpgFriday I said farewell to my oh so comfortable red couch. Not only did I give the couch away for free, but I ended up hiring the guy who picked it up to cut down some trees. I mean I needed to get the work done, but ‘the art of the deal’ is obviously not a Jed trait. To be fair, I had trouble giving the couch away for free, a trade was probably not in the cards.


Saturday progress continued cleaning out the office. It’s now empty (less a shelf) and ready to get started. We picked up a $9 can of ‘mistint’ paint that looked like what we were going for so we’ll give it a try. Worst case scenario it’s cheap primer!

The Boss and I also hauled off to a wedding with her parents Saturday evening. It was a really nice ceremony and a great evening. The clouds looked dicey but they managed to have a rain free outdoor ceremony.

Sunday was the boy’s 2nd birthday party, and the boy 2.0’s 0th pre-birthday party. The Boss and I aren’t exactly planners but with a lot of help from my mom (i.e. she did everything and hosted) we managed to pull it off.


It was a Thomas the Tank themed party, so I ordered a Thomas cake from Target. I had fairly low expectations to be honest, so I was pretty much blown away when I saw the cake. Price was great, cake looked super cool, and it tasted pretty good too. I’m pretty sure it got the seal of approval from all the kids there as well.

All in all a good time, great turn out, kids fought, kids had fun, there was cake.

Ken from the Island of Sodor decided to embrace his inner child and get the most gigantic thing he could find (in the batman paper above). Ken and I are probably more excited to play with it than the boy, it’s a giant train set. More to come on that later.


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